What is Toyota’s Softex Seat Surface Material?

Nearly all auto manufactures have been slowly making the shift towards sustainable and recyclable materials for their car interiors. Toyota’s car seats are known to be luxurious and comfortable to their millions of customers. The seats are made with a

What is Automatic Limited-Slip Differential?

An Automatic Limited-Slip Differential (ALS) is a type of limited-slip differential (LSD) that automatically engages when needed. It works by applying pressure to the side gears of the differential, reducing the amount of wheel spin when one wheel encounters less

When Should I Remove My Winter Tires?

Winter tires are essential for driving safely in cold weather conditions, especially in more snowy regions of the US and Canada. But when is the right time of the year to take your winter tires off? The answer depends on

I Need a New Vehicle: So What is a Car Lease?

There are three different ways to go about getting that dream car for your work commute or family outings. Firstly you can buy your car outright, which is super rare because the average vehicle cost was $48,500 USD in 2022,

What is an E-SUV Vehicle?

Let’s face it, the full or partial electrification of SUVs have bred new life into this segment of the automobile world. Nowadays it’s not uncommon to see SUVs with better fuel economy numbers than some small sedans. Car makers are

What is Low-Speed Braking Control Technology?

Full automobile autonomy is coming and technologies like LSBC is a step closer. Low-Speed Braking Control technology is a revolutionary new system designed to make braking smoother and safer. Honda and other manufacturers are slowing adding these smart systems to

What Are Parking Sensors and How Do They Work?

We all need a little help no and again, especially while driving – the streets are busier than ever since Pandemic restrictions started lifting worldwide. Parking sensors on cars are devices that help drivers to safely park their vehicle. How