Can You Wait for the Chevy Corvette SUV?

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Just thinking about the possibility of Chevrolet Crevette is enough to get my heart racing. So far, there has been no official announcement of a 2025 model year (and beyond) Corvette SUV – but that hasn’t stop the online chatter. Car magazine, Caranddriver did reveal that a source from within GM said that Chevrolet intends to keep expanding the car’s trims.

Corvette SUV - Artist rendering
Corvette SUV – Artist rendering

When (or if) Chevrolet does confirm that an SUV, based of their most legendary vehicle is coming to market, the car world will come to a standstill. If you think about it, building a Corvette SUV is the logical next step in the car’s story. GM will be transitioning the car to a hybrid and fully-electric drivetrain soon.

GM, please give us a Corvette SUV while you evolving the the vehicle.

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