The Different Levels of Self Driving Technology

Tesla Model Y interior
Courtesy, Tesla Inc.

Self-driving technology has become increasingly popular over the past several years, with car manufacturers racing to be the first to offer a fully autonomous driving system. But what does it take to get to that level?

Let’s take a look at the different levels of self-driving technology and which car manufacturer is closest to full autonomy.

Level 0: No Automation

This is the baseline level of self-driving technology, where the driver is in complete control of the vehicle. All modern cars are equipped with at least some level of driver assistance features, such as lane-keep assist and adaptive cruise control, but these features are not considered self-driving technology.

Level 1: Driver Assistance

This is the first level of self-driving technology, where the driver is still in control but the car is beginning to take over some of the driving tasks. Features like lane keep assist and adaptive cruise control fall into this category, as well as automatic braking and lane centering.

These features are becoming increasingly common in modern cars, and they are designed to make driving safer and more efficient.

Level 2: Partial Automation

At level 2, the car is able to take over some of the more complicated driving tasks, such as lane changes and highway merging. This is still considered a “partially autonomous” system, as the driver must remain alert and ready to take control of the vehicle if necessary.

This level of automation is becoming increasingly common in newer cars, with many manufacturers offering systems that can handle highway driving with minimal assistance from the driver.

Level 3: Conditional Automation

At this level, the car is able to take over all of the driving tasks, but the driver must remain alert and be ready to take control of the vehicle if necessary. This is the point where the car can be considered “self-driving,” but there is still a human element involved.

This level of automation is not yet widely available, but it is being developed by several car manufacturers.

Level 4: High Automation

At this level, the car is able to take over all of the driving tasks without any input from the driver. The car is completely autonomous and is able to handle all driving tasks without any human intervention.

This is the highest level of self-driving technology, and it is still in the early stages of development.

Which car manufacturer is closest to full autonomous driving?

So, which car manufacturer is closest to full autonomous driving? Between Google and Tesla, it is hard to say for sure. Google has been developing self-driving cars for several years now, and they have made great strides in the technology.

Tesla, on the other hand, has been offering semi-autonomous driving systems for several years now, and they are constantly improving and updating them. Both companies are well ahead of the competition, and it is likely that either one could be the first to reach full autonomous driving.

Main image courtesy: Tesla