When Will We be Driving on Mars?

From the time of Jules Vernes and other sci-fi writers, we've been promised a trip to Mars. So when should I start packing?

driving on the Martian landscape with the family
driving on the Martian landscape with the family

Let’s talk about Mars. No, not the candy bar, but the planet – that big, red, beautiful ball of mystery. Humans have been dreaming about setting foot on Mars since the days of telescopes and top hats.

And guess what? It’s not just a pipe dream anymore. According to our friends at NASA, we’re actually gearing up to make those Martian dreams a reality.

NASA and SpaceX, two prominent entities in space exploration, have different timelines and approaches for their missions to Mars.

Let’s consider Nasa’s mars Timeline

NASA’s timeline for sending humans to Mars is more cautious and methodical, aiming for the 2030s as part of its Artemis program, which also includes returning humans to the Moon.

This cautious approach stems from NASA’s commitment to ensuring high safety standards and thorough scientific preparation. Their Mars mission involves extensive research and development, testing new technologies, and gathering data from robotic missions like the Mars rovers.

What’s Elon and SpaceX’s plan for Mars?

SpaceX set’s out their Mars mission timeline

On the other hand, SpaceX, led by Elon Musk, has a more aggressive timeline for reaching Mars. Musk has stated his ambition to send humans to Mars as early as the mid-2020s, with the ultimate goal of establishing a self-sustaining colony on the Red Planet.

SpaceX’s approach is characterized by rapid development and testing of its Starship spacecraft, which is designed to be a fully reusable transport system for missions to Mars and beyond. This ambitious timeline reflects Musk’s entrepreneurial style and his company’s focus on rapid innovation and risk-taking to achieve breakthroughs in space travel.

The differences in these timelines highlight the contrasting approaches of a government agency and a private company in space exploration. NASA’s timeline reflects a more traditional, risk-averse approach with an emphasis on thorough testing and scientific research, while SpaceX’s timeline is more ambitious, aiming to push the boundaries of current space travel technology in a shorter timeframe.

Why Mars is Cooler Than Your Average Planet:

  • Unmatched Scenery: Imagine the Instagram likes from a selfie with Martian sunsets!
  • New Home, Who Dis?: Earth is great and all, but let’s face it, we’re kinda messing it up. Mars offers a fresh start.
  • Sci-Fi Becomes Reality: All those comic books and movies about Mars? We’re about to live them!

The Future: Mars and Beyond

We’re on the brink of something huge. With humans gearing up to visit Mars, as Astronomy.com discusses, we’re not just stepping into a new world; we’re stepping into a new era of human achievement. And you bet your bottom dollar comic books will be there to document, inspire, and entertain us through it all.